An international instrument against plastic pollution
Highlights Press release

ALLCOT contributes to the development of an international instrument against plastic pollution

With the presentation of the methodology for recycling and collection of plastics (MCE-R01), developed by ALLCOT, with the support of Cercarbono and Basura Cero Global, ALLCOT participated and made its contribution at the Regional Meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean, in preparation for the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including the marine environment. 

María Laura Martínez, Technology-Based Solutions Consultant – Observer at the meeting – stated that “the plastic recycling and collection methodology (MCE-R01) is a potential solution to the problems that arise in the framework of cross-border plastic trade“. She added that “this methodology, in addition to being a transparent solution to these international agreements, promotes sustainability and traceability of the recycling industry”.

To conclude her speech, Maria Laura stated that “through the implementation of innovative methodologies such as MCE-R01, ALLCOT demonstrates its commitment to reducing emissions in the plastics recycling industry, which represents a significant step towards a just transition and the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals in this sector”.