ALLCOT Trading’s main activity is in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). The VCM contributes to closing global climate policy gaps (mitigation, finance, ambition) and enables non-state actors to take meaningful action ahead of and beyond regulation and in support of countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It channels finance to mitigation and adaptation projects, through a transparent, third-party verified and results-based approach.
The VCM hit the 1 Billion US$ mark in 2021 for the first time in its history!

This demand was driven from energy, consumer goods, finance and insurance sectors, as well as new demand in the crypto space from the likes of Toucan and KlimaDao. We are not talking about a small volume of credits here: 16,6 million credits were retired on VERRA citing Toucan as the retirement reason.
The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets believes that as the companies and the economies decarbonize, the demand for carbon credits will inevitably increase to the point it can outpace supply. They expect it to grow 15 times its size by 2030.
Depending on the price of the credits, we are talking about a market that can be valued between 30 to 50 billion US$. This massive flow of funds can not only help fight climate change, but it can also help promote sustainable development in the third world and reduce the cost of deployment of new tech like green hydrogen. ALLCOT has been in the market since 2009 and was able to leverage its experience to trade more than 27 million carbon credits, representing 6% of the global share of the voluntary carbon market.

The great results ALLCOT had in 2021 have allowed us to expand our portfolio of project investments throughout the world. We are currently developing some projects under different methodologies in countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Senegal, Indonesia, Madagascar and Guinea-Bissau.
The importance of these projects goes beyond generating carbon credits and mitigating climate change, as they provide jobs in communities and therefore have a positive impact on the local economies.
In the end, ALLCOT Trading’s growth goes hand in hand with sustainable development in places where it is needed the most.
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