ALLCOT becomes a supporter of TCFD (Task Force on Climate – Related Financial Disclosures)
ALLCOT has been recognized as a supporter in the official list of TCFD (Task Force on Climate – Related Financial Disclosures), also called Task Force.
TCFD focuses its efforts in helping companies know and identify relevant information about the most efficient climate-related strategies within different sectors. The goal is to establish standards for voluntary financial disclosure focused on climate change. This, in order to manage and reduce nature risk in organizations, companies, financial institutions, and others.
When a stakeholder has already declared to be a supporter for the TCFD, not only pursues the implementation of strategic practices within the company to send market signals aligned with the ESG culture and the acknowledgement of climate risk, but also builds a more resilient business model.
These recommendations rely on the promotion of knowledge in the field. By doing this, different business models can be informed about investment opportunities, credit, and risk management related to nature. Additionally, stakeholders can have a better understanding of nature and climate risk relation to existent business models and its economic impact.
ALLCOT is recognized by TCFD to support, from the Consultancy level, those who want to apply the scenario analysis and present their own TCFD report with the guidelines for climate risk disclosure.
ALLCOT will present its own TCFD report, which will include an analysis of risks and opportunities related to climate. From that diagnosis, a proposed strategy will be derived, which will allow to set a benchmark for other companies within the sector. The aim is to become more resilient to climate change and to better respond with timely adaptation strategies for active and potential clients and projects.