Press release

ALLCOT launches Sustainable Composting Program in Mexico

Mexico, August 1, 2024 – The ambitious Sustainable Composting Program in Mexico launched and developed by ALLCOT is in the verification stage.

The Program aims to generate compost from organic waste such as municipal solid waste (MSW), manure and other organic fractions. Through a controlled aerobic treatment, the program seeks to take advantage of this waste to reduce methane emissions, a Greenhouse Gas – GHG – with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 28 times more than CO2.

The program includes the construction of new composting plants and the expansion of existing ones, using open and closed composting technologies. Organic materials will be collected and processed in composting centers, where they will be converted into compost through processes such as forced aeration and hydration with water. The facilities will have a processing capacity ranging from 25 to 500 tons of waste per day.

In total, the program will run for 30 years, starting in mid-2024 and ending in 2054. The first credit period will last 10 years, with the possibility of renewal in two additional periods of 10 years each.

Environmental Impact and Benefits

The Sustainable Composting Program in Mexico is designed to generate no negative environmental impacts and provide significant benefits, such as:

  • The reduction of methane emissions at solid waste disposal sites.
  • Improved sustainable management of organic waste.
  • Reducing the risk of water and air pollution.
  • The production of organic and sustainable compost for agricultural use.

In addition, this project will promote the circular economy in Mexico, extending the useful life of waste disposal sites and generating employment opportunities.

The Sustainable Composting Program in Mexico will not use public funds and will be financed by private investment, thus encouraging private sector participation in sustainability initiatives.

Finally, the program aligns with several UN SDGs, contributing significantly to:

  • SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
  • SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
  • SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  • SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

With the launch of the Sustainable Composting Program in Mexico, ALLCOT continues to advance its purpose of achieving a more equitable and sustainable world through climate action.